Beloved Hollywood manager Peter Meyer, known for representing A-listers like Tom Hanks and Kevin Costner, passed away at 68 due to Sarcoma. His sister shared, “After a heroic five-year battle against sarcoma, Meyer found peace surrounded by his family.” His clients and friends mourn his loss.

Meyer, a William Morris talent agent for over a decade, later founded Meyer Management in 1989, representing various talents. A memorial will be held on June 13, 2023, at St. Monica’s Catholic Church in Santa Monica.

Meanwhile, Kevin Costner, amidst his divorce from Christine Baumgartner, has invested significantly in his Western project, Horizon franchise.

He mortgaged a 10-acre waterfront plot in Santa Barbara to fund the project, contributing up to $50 million of its $100 million budget, saying, “I believe in the idea and the story.” He’s committed to making it a success, despite the risks, declaring, “I’m never putting my money in another movie after these four.” READ MORE BELOW

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